✨Join me on my 26-day Alphabet Original Art Challenge ✨ Every day for the next 26 days I will be creating an original artwork based on the letters of the alphabet. Each original artwork will be ready to purchase every night at 8pm and will be priced at $500. This is the perfect time for anyone that has always wanted to own an original artwork by me the opportunity to do so. **ALSO** 2 for 1 art print sale extended on all art prints during this time of the challenge 🙌❤️

Olina Goddess ~ Fine Art Print

Mimby Jones Robinson

Regular price $150.00

Fine Art Limited Edition Gilclée Art Prints.

Available in the following sizes :


A4 (200 x 287 mm) $150

A3  (287 x 410mm) $220

A2 (410 x 584mm) $400

A1  (584 x 831mm) $650

A0  (841 x 1189mm) $850

OLINA Goddess

OLINA Goddess represents the wisdom of the Owl. This painting encourages us to listen to our intuition and not ignore that little voice inside that helps us navigate our journey in life.  An owl is flying out from Olina’s heart, guiding her in the right direction.  Feathers are seen floating around her symbolising the lightness we feel when we are in our flow state.

Love Mimby

**Afterpay Available