✨Join me on my 26-day Alphabet Original Art Challenge ✨ Every day for the next 26 days I will be creating an original artwork based on the letters of the alphabet. Each original artwork will be ready to purchase every night at 8pm and will be priced at $500. This is the perfect time for anyone that has always wanted to own an original artwork by me the opportunity to do so. **ALSO** 2 for 1 art print sale extended on all art prints during this time of the challenge 🙌❤️


I am Woman / Spoken Word Poetry

Posted by Mimby Jones Robinson on

I am WOMAN. wild spirit runs deep in my veins. I stand here powerful, brave and strong as the wild wolves gather around me once again I draw my sword and defend the child inside once more. She reminds me of who I am when I forget. And I forget often . The reflection of the past staring back innocently. in the puddles that once tried to drown me. I am WOMAN. Now i dance. I dance in delight in those magnificent drips  And drops that Fall down my face along the fibre of being and  like honey to my...

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