✨Join me on my 26-day Alphabet Original Art Challenge ✨ Every day for the next 26 days I will be creating an original artwork based on the letters of the alphabet. Each original artwork will be ready to purchase every night at 8pm and will be priced at $500. This is the perfect time for anyone that has always wanted to own an original artwork by me the opportunity to do so. **ALSO** 2 for 1 art print sale extended on all art prints during this time of the challenge 🙌❤️

Zephyra ~ Original Painting 150 x 100cm

Mimby Jones Robinson

Regular price $2,400.00


150 x 100 cm

Acrylic, ink, and gold leaf

Original Artwork

This is the second artwork from my 2024 ‘INKREDIBLE ‘ collection of tattooed botanical women.

The Botanical goddess Zephyra is surrounded by an array of beautiful botanicals.  The peony, known for its beauty and fragility represents good fortune. The single Lily that appears in the painting is a symbol of the divine feminine.

The red poppies with their bold and striking colour represent both sleep & deep dreaming. Daisies with their simple and unassuming beauty represent new beginnings.

The four red butterflies that appear in the painting are a symbol of transformation and change. In many cultures, butterflies are believed to represent the soul and its journey through life.

The black red-tailed cockatoos represents strength, courage and adaptability. These birds are also known for their intelligence and ability to adapt to changing environments.

In this painting, Zephyra is surrounded by symbols of transformation and strength.

As her eyes remain closed she journeys within to inner peace.

Love Mimby ❤️